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Is depression a real illness?

Two days ago, I woke up with the news of tragic death of Keith Flint.

Again, depression took one of us.

So, do you know what is depression?

Is it a feeling or illness?

As you can see depression is the only illness in psychology that can take lives.

People often don't notice if someone is in depression.

It is not short term feeling.

People with this illness often feel unworthy, unsociable, they think that everything and everyone is against them.

They are sad all the time, it can last months, years and if they don't ask for help they can become suicidal.

Maybe because of our busy lifestyle or the fact that people in depression don't want anyone to help them, we just look on the other side and hope that everything is going to be okay.

For a change ask the person in the store how are they and if you notice sorrow in their eyes stop and take their hand.

It is really hard to help someone to get out of that magic circle that slowly kills every happy moment in person soul.

But every single time you try is worthy.

Sometimes, the closest people among us are the ones that need help the most.

But how can you know that?

People with this illness are the one's that you see in store, in book club, on the streets.

Depression affects their life in anyway.

It makes them feel bad about themselves.

They either eat too much or starve themselves,

they have trouble sleeping.

It can come in person life by recent life events or medical diagnosis or if someone hurt the person badly.

So what can we do to help this people?

First of all we shouldn't ignore this damn illness.

If you notice that your friend, sister, mother or someone else shows signs of depression you should try to help them.

Often, they just want someone to listen, without judging.

We need to make sure that they know that they can rely on us.

Depression is real and dangerous.

Many people deny that they are in depression,

so it is our job to convince them that they need medical help.

Advices often don't help much.

It is not help if you tell a person with depression that "everything is going to be okay at the end".

You don't know that.

Depression kills.

And people even when they are delusional scream for help.

You must show the person with depression that the colors of life are bright and that no matter what, at the end there is sun after storm.

You need to encourage them to breathe and to feel the sun going through their skin.

People with depression need motivation!

They need to feel your support.

Stay positive even though is hard and stressful.

Crying is not shameful.

It is good to cry, at the end you will feel lighter and the tears are going to hurt less.

The solution isn't to take your own life!

Why would you do that?!

I know it is easier and it will stop the pain.

It is easier to die but it takes a lot of courage to keep living.

Nothing is worthier than you.

If you take your own life, the sun is going to rise again only without you.

It will affect the people you see everyday and the people who care about you,

they will ask about you, they will miss you.

You are not taking your own pain you just are passing it to them.

No matter what happened, no matter who or what gave you this illness you need to remember that you are number one in your own life.

You need to help yourself.

This illness doesn't choose by color or sex or age.

It can happen to everyone.

It is really important to find you in yourself.

Look inside your soul and fight against it.

I am here to help you. We all are.

I refuse to look on the other side.

I want to look straight in your eyes.

I want to hold your hand while you feel that pain and help you grow from it.

Don't blame yourself. It is absolutely not your fault.

You need to take care of you and I will help you.

This post is dedicated to all the people in this world that are fighting to overcome this illness.

Death is not the solution.

There are many people who care about you.

One of them is me.

Even if I don't know you, I am praying for you.

I know that you have the strength to kill this illness.

I know that you can do this.

So, take a deep breath and get out of the bed.

Look through your window, life is there.

I know sometimes it seems hard to find happiness in this dark world,full of evil.

I know sometimes you can't see the purpose of living and when you look around all you see is pain. i know there are a lot of demons inside your head that keep trying to push you of the edge. But don't give up!

There are people who will not let you be alone.

You have to want to help yourself, I want it too.

Don't hesitate to write me if you need talk I am here for every one of you.

If you need a friend or shoulder to cry I am still here.

And I will do everything in my power to help you.

Let's fight together.

We can win this.

I love you all ❤️

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