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  • Writer's pictureGossiping Housewives

Intuition is seeing with the soul

The biggest fear of one woman is wearing a gorgeous white dress, being surrounded with all her family and friends and still not be sure that she is on the right place.

Marriage is not easy.

You have to compromise.

Do you want to compromise or you are feeling pressured from friends and family?

How often do you hear the words

"It is your turn, you have to marry someone"?

No baby, it's your turn to respect yourself!

You need to learn to be married with your wishes and your needs.

You have to be prepared to handle all kinds of situations alone.

Without anyone's help.

What if you finally found that guy who will propose, you said yes and after that you realize you've made a huge mistake?

People don't care if you are married or not.

It's not their business to talk about your body, your life or your feelings.

What happens when you realize that that guy is nice but he is not the love of your life?

Will you get divorce?

Of course you will and I will support you.

But it's easier to stop and think about your life. What if you have children together?

It's not the biggest success of all to have husband.

You always have a family and someone to take care of you.

People will talk.

If you quit your job they will find a reason why you did that. If you don't eat meat they will still talk shit about you.

You shouldn't allowed them to have impact on you.

You can be everything you want to be.

You are the queen of your own world.

And you absolutely do not need a boy.

You are a beautiful, passionate and courageous woman.

You need a man to stand behind you.

To support your dreams and hold your hand through your success.

Believe in yourself.

Wait for that man baby, don't settle with someone that can not follow you.

Let your energy shine, don't let anyone to hold you back.

Honestly, I admire you.

I wish I had your strength to get through the day.

I can't believe how talented and beautiful you are. Outside and inside.

You have a solution for every problem, and you make magic out of nowhere.

Stand in front of the mirror.

Look at you.

Look at that hair, those eyes.

There she is!

Look at your smile while you are reading this.

I know that you are well aware that everything I just said its true.

I know, it is good to have a partner to share good and bad things. But baby, you are not alone.

I am your partner.

We all are.

I am happy when you are and I am sad when you are!

You don't need to be with someone you don't love and have nothing in common.

You must take care of yourself now.

It's been enough helping others in their fights.

We will help you now.

You will rise like a phoenix from the ashes.

Remember, you are mighty.

When the times come to be someone's life partner you will know. You will feel it.

And I've heard it's the best feeling ever.

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